New Learners Support

A maximum of $3300 is available to support beginners' lessons.

Up to $300 per club per annum on application by the 28th of February.  The $3300 will divided amongst the applicants who will need to present an invoice to be paid.

This grant is available to all clubs and can be used for advertising, stationery, venue hire and other costs for beginners' lessons. The grant may not be used for tutor payments. 

Apply using the coaching grant form


Regional Championships Subsidy

New Zealand Bridge has provided funding of $2700 to Central Districts in 2024 to subsidise travel and accommodation costs for selected teams to attend the Regional Championships. This subsidy is equivalent to $158 per player in a four-person team. 

No further funding is available from the region. 

Coaching Grant

The Regional Committee also supports, on application by a club, requests for Improvers or Advanced lessons, and Scoring and Director training. A maximum of $1000 is available in 2025.

Clubs can apply for grants to assist with

  • Improvers lessons
  • Advanced lessons
  • Club-level Director training
  • Training for Scorers

Apply on the coaching grant form

Junior and Intermediate Ladders

$500 in Prize money shared  over the top 5 placings for each Ladder

Further information

Youth Support

A maximum of $500 is available to support Youth Bridge in Central Districts.

The funding can be used to reimburse 50% of tournament entry fees for Central Districts Youth players up to the maximum of $150 per player per calendar year

  •          Their home club must be a Central Districts Club.
  •          The tournament entry fee claimed must be for a Central Districts Club tournament or a CD Regional Event (Taranaki Congress, Hawkes Bay Congress, Fullarton Teams, Zelda Morris Pairs).


To claim reimbursement the player must notify the Central Districts Secretary by email with the following details  

  •          Details of the tournaments played

o    The entry fee amount

o    Their overall result/placing

  •          Their bank account details for Internet banking.

Reimbursement can be claimed in a lump sum in July and at the end of each year.

Requests for funding for bridge courses and international sponsorship will be looked at on a case-by-case basis However there is a limited budget as above.

Youth players are welcome to contact the regional secretary to enquire about assistance.

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